St. Joseph CME Church

"Lane to discuss new leader; Chambers 'vision, zeal' cited"

Dr. Alex A. Chambers served as pastor at St. Joseph CME Church from 1964-1967. This article from The Jackson Sun in Jackson, Tennessee details Dr. Chambers funeral services. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

"President of Lane dies"

Dr. Alex A. Chambers served as pastor at St. Joseph CME Church from 1964-1967. This newspaper article announcing his passing lists his accomplishments while serving as President of Lane College. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

"Putting the Past in Focus" - The "Gray Ladies" of N.C. Memorial Hospital

This newspaper article from The Chapel Hill Herald discusses Chapel Hill's "Gray Ladies," who volunteered their caregiving services in hospitals. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

 Albert Washington - On his business, church, and growing up in Northside

This interview is part of the Marian Cheek Jackson Center’s Oral History Trust. Albert (Bruce) Washington, III grew up in Chatham County with his mother and in Northside with his father and extended family. He was an only child, but grew up in the context of many cousins, aunts, and uncles who…

 Betty Baldwin Geer - On her family, work experiences, and gentrification

"Thirteen years old and I gave my hand over to God. I've been in church ever since. Of course when you go off to college, you kind of drift away, but you always come back. I loved it. It was a good experience for me. It has always been a good experience for me." - Betty Baldwin Geer This interview…

 Cotton Chapel CME Church

Before the construction of St. Joseph CME Church, congregants worshipped at Cotton Chapel CME Church. Cotton Chapel CME Church was named after Mr. Henry Cotton, a devoted member and leader in forming the congregation. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Deed to St. Joseph CME Church

While the land that St. Joseph CME Church sits on was originally allocated for Lincoln High School, the town made the decision that the site was too small to serve all of the Black high school students in Orange County. Trustees of St. Joseph worked together, some even mortgaging their homes, to…

 Drawing of Dr. Alex Chambers

Dr. Alex A. Chambers served as pastor at St. Joseph CME Church from 1964-1967. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.


Faith has always been a critical part of the life of Chapel Hill/Carrboro’s Black community. Prior to emancipation, enslaved people people worshiped in segregated sections of Chapel of the Cross, University Baptist Church, and other churches run by white residents. But Black church-goers quickly…

 Front cover from Rev. Warren R. Foushee's Homegoing Service

Rev. Warren R. Foushee served as the pastor for St. Joseph CME Church from 1955-1964. Members of St. Joseph's congregation traveled to Columbia, South Carolina for Rev. Foushee's homegoing service in 1991, bringing back the cover from the order of service. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson…

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Brodie Edwards, Sr.

Mr. Brodie Edwards, Sr.'s funeral took place on October 24, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Charlie N. Fearrington

Mr. Charlie N. Fearrington funeral took place on September 27, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Ernest Earl Edwards

Mr. Ernest Earl Edwards' funeral took place on February 22, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. James Dooley

Mr. James Dooley's funeral took place on Februar 13, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Walter "Rat" Farrington

Mr. Walter "Rat" Farrington's funeral took place on October 2, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Argusta G. Edwards

Mrs. Argusta G. Edwards' funeral took place on February 3, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Arvella Mae Sligh Briggs

Mrs. Arvella Mae Sligh Briggs' funeral took place on August 18, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Mary Jones Cotton

Mrs. Mary Jones Cotton's funeral took place on June 9, 1977 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Myrtle Farrington Bynum

Mrs. Myrtle Farrington Bynum's funeral took place on January 2, 1977 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Viola S. Fearrington

Mrs. Viola S. Fearrington's funeral took place on April 19, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

 Gracie Webb - On her family, growing up in Northside, and changes in Northside

“On Sundays everybody would come after church and come there and eat, the pastors and all [of them]. We weren’t the wealthiest, but we were always full.” - Gracie Webb Throughout Gracie Webb’s life she has seemingly always been in the Northside and Cedar Groves area of Chapel Hill-Carrboro.…

History of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

This article is a brief history of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church from the CME Church calendar. Photos courtesy of Mrs. Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

 Katherine Council - On education, changes in the community, and racial discrimination

“I really think with children, it didn’t matter. It was the adults that were having problems.” (In reference to integration) - Katherine "Mama Kat" Council Ms. Council, fondly known as Mama Kat, grew up on a farm in Chapel Hill down Jones Ferry Road and has lived in various places in the area…

 Kay Gattis - On her life as a caregiver and her faith

And that’s my life, it's all about Ms. Kay, and I’m still going to help until the day I die. If they need help, I’m going to do it. - Kay Gattis Ms. Kay Gattis describes her upbringing in Chapel Hill, with her parents and eight siblings. She described how she took on the role of the caregiver…

 Marian Cheek Jackson - On community history, family history. and the University of North Carolina

"You have to keep going." - Marian Cheek Jackson Mrs. Marian Cheek Jackson begins with a description of prominent Black businesses that used to exist in the African American community, (including Mason's grocery store); St. Joseph's Christian Methodist Episcopal Church's role in civil rights…

Order of Service from Rev. Alex A. Chamber's Service of Memory

Dr. Alex A. Chambers served as pastor at St. Joseph CME Church from 1964-1967. His Service of Memory took place at Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee on March 23, 1992. This pamphlet includes his obituary and information on the service. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME…

Pamphlet from The 1995 Martin Luther King, Jr. Lecture/Preaching Series

Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr. was one of the featured speakers for the 1995 Martin Luther King, Jr. Lecture/Preaching Series. The series was presented by the Duke University Divinity School The Office of Black Church Affairs and the Black Seminarians Union. Photo courtesy of Patricia "Pat" Jackson and…

Partial notes about General Claims

This is the last page of notes from St. Joseph CME Church talking about paying General Claims under the leadership of Dr. LK Bennett. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

 Patricia "Pat" Jackson - On St. Joseph CME Church from 1947-1955

 Patricia "Pat" Jackson - On St. Joseph CME Church from 1955-1967

 Patricia "Pat" Jackson - On St. Joseph CME Church from 1967-1970

 Patricia "Pat" Jackson - On St. Joseph CME Church from 1974-1983

 Patricia "Pat" Jackson - On the F.R. Gilbert Voices of Joy (clip)

Patricia “Pat” Jackson (PJ): He again was very instrumental in making sure that the young adults were involved and that year the young adults choir was renamed the “F.R. Gilbert Voices of Joy.” So we have several pictures of that full choir with all of those young adults. Kathryn Wall (KW):…

 Photo of Mrs. Bennett and Ruby Jones

This photo shows Ruby Jones and Mrs. Bennett, wife of pastor Dr. L. Kenneth Bennett, in front of St. Joseph CME Church. Mrs. Jones is in the white dress and Mrs. Bennett is in the pink dress with the black fur trim. Mrs. Bennett's children, Cristopher Bennett and Leslie Bennett, are in front. Photo…

 Photo of Ruby Jones and Sonya

This photo shows Ruby Jones and Sonya in front of St. Joseph CME Church. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Poem on Northside by Jasmine (Juice) Farmer

I never truly understood the meaning of community until I witnessed The Northside.I knew the power of a village and the power of prayer,But I had never been a part of a community more powerful, more stronger, & a place that seeped resilience more than the northside.I only got to experience the…

 Postcard of St. Joseph CME Church

 Rev. Warren R. Foushee

This photo shows Rev. Warren R. Foushee, who served as the pastor of St. Joseph CME Church from September 1955 to August 1964. Rev. Foushee was born and grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Photo courtesy of Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church

Roster of Ministers at St. Joseph CME Church

St. Joseph CME Church has maintained a roster of their ministers from 1932 to the present. Photos courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church

 Shirley Pendergraph Davis - On the African American freedom struggle and Civil Rights Movement in Chapel Hill (Interview Two)

“Well I would say that [Black women] stood by the men and we also stood up for our rights. We knew a change had to come.” - Shirley Pendergraph Davis Civil rights activist, Shirley Pendergraph Davis, comments on the role of Black women in the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s. Ms. Davis…

St. Joseph C.M.E. Church

St. Joseph C.M.E. Church, located at 510 W. Rosemary in Chapel Hill, was founded in 1898. Its mother church was Hamlet Chapel CME Church, Pittsboro, NC and it started as Cotton Chapel C.M.E Church (named for the late Mr. Henry Cotton, a church founder). Pastor Troy Harrison at St. Joseph helped…

The Christian Index - Volume 120, No. 5

The Christian Index is the official publication of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. This edition from March 1, 1987 includes the inaugural address of Dr. Alex A. Chambers, the new president of Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee. Dr. Chambers served as pastor at St. Joseph CME Church from…

Timeline of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

This timeline details the history of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Photos courtesy of Mrs. Patricia "Pat" Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

 Virginia Medean on St. Joseph and Church Activism (clip)

Ella Wise/Rachel Mossey (EW/RM): How have you seen Saint Joseph’s though – the role of Saint Joseph’s in this community? Virginia Medean (VM): They’ve always been a strong advocate for justice, social justice, and community means. They have a wonderful pastor now– EW/RM: Mhm. VM: –And…