Oral History

Minister Robert Campbell - Mortar and cement (clip)

Interviewed by George Barrett and Kathryn Wall on October 28, 2022

Minister Robert Campbell: In the mortar and cement, there’s a certain amount per bag that you mix with sand to enhance and strengthen the mixture. In the cement, you would have more sand in it than you would in the mortar mixture itself. When it comes to the concrete, it would be a mixture of concrete, mortar, and lime, as well as small pebbles of gravel. It would all depend on whether you were using it for a rock wall, a sidewalk, or a foundation. It all depends on the consistency of the mixture based on what it’s going to be a platform for.

Kathryn Wall: Which one of those has to be the strongest?

Minister Robert Campbell: Cement, because your cement basically is what your footing is made out of that the foundation is going to sit on and the house. It has to be able to bear the weight of the structure. That’s why you find that most bridges are made out of concrete. Because with the foundation of the house, there’s less rebar – in other words, there’s less steel in there, so you had to get most of your strength from your concrete, or your water mix, or cement.

Minister Robert Campbell - Mortar and cement (clip)


Oral history interview of Campbell, Robert conducted by Barrett, George on October 28, 2022 at RENA Community Center, Chapel Hill, NC.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Minister Robert Campbell - Mortar and cement (clip),” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 4, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/minister-robert-campbell-mortar-and-cement.

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Ms. Esphur Foster

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