Oral History

Min. Robert Campbell - On the community of Black builders (clip)

Interviewed by George Barrett and Kathryn Wall on October 28, 2022

Minister Robert Campbell: There were, there were times where there were a lot of brick masons here in Chapel Hill, people of color. The thing is, once you begin to teach skills and then it came, it came a time, and that time did not change back until I will say… around about the later part of the 50s that you really didn’t have black contractors. But then when Mr. Tate came back to Chapel Hill, then you had Mr. Charlie Brooks and they started building more houses and things of that nature. I look at is it Dooney Brooks, his house right there behind the center, right on that hill there. That is a combination of Mr. Charlie Brooks, Dooney had his hands in it, he was doing the same kind of work his father was doing, [], Tate, carpenters had a lot to do with it. And so, it was and still is a beautiful design if you take time to look at it and its still standing. That house has got to be at least, let me see… I think it about forty years old. It might be forty years old. The craftsmanship that went into the house, but it was a collaboration of builders and Mr. Tate as a realtor, that was one of the ways that you could, if you buy in bulk, you could build a house but you at the end of day, you get more money for building a house than you put into it. And so, that is, that is the character of a community coming together to build the community that you want to stand.

Min. Robert Campbell - On the community of Black builders (clip)


Oral history interview of Campbell, Robert conducted by Barrett, George on October 28, 2022 at RENA Community Center, Chapel Hill, NC.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Min. Robert Campbell - On the community of Black builders (clip),” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 4, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/min-robert-campbell-on-the-community-of-black-builders.

"We’re writing our own history, thank you!"

Ms. Esphur Foster

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