Oral Histories

 Arminta Foushee - On her earliest memories of the sanctuary (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - Origins of St. Paul AME Church (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On her musical abilities (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On photos of the church (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On St. Paul's success in maintaining membership (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On Vacation Bible School activities (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On her first solo (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On scanning materials (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On Reverend Horton (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On choir anniversaries at St. Paul (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On local history (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On stewards of the church (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On the role of St. Paul in the Civil Rights Movement (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On Chapel Hill's "liberal" character (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On photos of St. Paul (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On the lack of children at St. Paul's (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - Introductions (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On her grandfather, Jacob Monroe James (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On Tar Heel Taxi #1 (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On the play, "The Worse We are Still Here" (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On Bynum and Susie Weaver's store (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On the masons (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On her grandfather's passing (clip)

 Arminta Foushee - On swearing (clip)