Oral History
Velma Perry - Holiday Memories (clip)
Interviewed on April 4, 2011
Velma Perry tells about holiday dances in Northside.
To hear more from Velma Perry, listen to her full oral history "Velma Perry - On the history and future of Northside."
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Oral history interview of Perry, Velma on April 4, 2011.
Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Velma Perry - Holiday Memories (clip),” From the Rock Wall, accessed January 15, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/velma-perry-holiday-memories.
"We’re writing our own history, thank you!"
Ms. Esphur Foster
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Velma Perry
"About a hundred and thirty years there: the same house. People live in it [laughter] right now!"
- Velma Perry
Velma Perry
Velma Perry - On the history and future of Northside
In the interview Ms. Perry discusses the early history of the Northside community going back to the founding of the University and the introduction of slaves to the area. She then goes on to describe her family history, including her grandfather’s work as an undertaker and a carpenter who built many…
Velma Perry - On the history and future of Northside
More to explore
Velma Perry - On the early history of Northside (clip)
Heather Giuffre: So, I guess my first question for you, Velma, would be how did your family get to the Chapell Hill area?
Velma Perry: [Laughter]
HG: [Laughter]
VP: Well, my family got to the Chapel Hill area back in the 1800 and something. I think they got there mostly in 1840. The University up…
Velma Perry - On the early history of Northside (clip)
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Velma Perry at May Day Festival 2013
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Velma Perry
Velma Perry
Velma Perry
Velma Perry
Velma Perry - On her family history, political organizing, and working at the Carolina Inn
This interview with Velma Perry captures her time growing up in the Tin Top neighborhood of Chapel Hill. Velma Perry’s mother was one of Luther Hargrave’s and Della Weaver’s nineteen children. She recounts how her family has lived in the Tin Top neighborhood for generations, where her father helped…
Velma Perry - On her family history, political organizing, and working at the Carolina Inn
Velma Perry shares her insight at a Sustaining OurSelves Coalition Meeting in 2011
Velma Perry shares her insight at a Sustaining OurSelves Coalition Meeting in 2011
Velma Perry - On the history and future of Northside
In the interview Ms. Perry discusses the early history of the Northside community going back to the founding of the University and the introduction of slaves to the area. She then goes on to describe her family history, including her grandfather’s work as an undertaker and a carpenter who built many…
Velma Perry - On the history and future of Northside
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