Oral History

Donny "Hollywood" Riggsbee - On his family, nickname, and experiences working

Interviewed by Hudson Vaughan and Paris Vaughn on January 25, 2012

"...we called it Tin Top, because all the houses that were on top had [roofs] with tin on it."

- Donny "Hollywood" Riggsbee

This interview provides insight into the background of Donny “Hollywood” Riggsbee, a long-term Northside neighborhood resident. He shares his experiences living with 12 siblings, the areas of NC in which he lived, and his family’s interactions with UNC students. Hollywood goes into depth about how his parents met in Chatham County, and the deaths of some of their children. When growing up, his family had little money to support him and his siblings. He speaks on the relationship to the owner of a drugstore near Merritt Mill and the drugstore owner’s son. Furthermore, he speaks on how he received his nickname “Hollywood.” He got his nickname in 1969 at a school talent show to raise money for band uniforms. He recalls being a good dancer and competing in contests at local clubs and discos. The interview is concluded with his observations of worker mistreatment at UNC, and his personal work life in housekeeping and other positions.

Donny "Hollywood" Riggsbee - On his family, nickname, and experiences working

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Oral history interview of Riggsbee, Donny "Hollywood" conducted by Vaughan, Hudson on January 25, 2012 at Unknown. Processed by Ingram, Jabria.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Donny "Hollywood" Riggsbee - On his family, nickname, and experiences working,” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 1, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/donny-hollywood-riggsbee-3.

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Ms. Esphur Foster

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