Oral History

Arminta Foushee - On her grandfather's taxi business (clip)

Interviewed by Arminta Foushee on June 23, 2022

Arminta Foushee (AF): And actually, my grandfather was head of the Board of Trustees at St. Paul and he was one of the trustees that was hugely instrumental in the renovation of the church, breaking it and putting the stained glass windows in and air conditioning.

Kathryn Wall (KW): Mhmm

AF: Yeah.

KW: Do you know when he started his taxi business?

AF: Oh, I think my mom was a baby, 1939 [pause] Yeah.

KW: And how many cars did you have?

AF: He had three.

KW: Mhmm.

AF: A fleet [laugh] of three taxis. Yeah. Very cute. But actually Ms. Rebecca, I don’t know if it was Ms. Rebecca or maybe Mr. [Goodis] who actually let people know what type of car he was driving. It may have been a Buick but he was talking about the car, this particular one in the movie. And he actually when I was a kid, he kept them parked in our backyard [laugh]. I remember that, and when they got, you know, too old to drive anymore, I used to play in them. Me and my brother, because they had really nice upholstery and everything, it was like having a big doll house. Yeah, playing in big granddaddy's old taxis. Parked out back, it eventually got towed away. Yeah, but there are lot of old documents in this book.

Arminta Foushee - On her grandfather's taxi business (clip)

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Oral history interview of Wall, Kathryn conducted by Foushee, Arminta on June 23, 2022 at Home of Arminta Foushee, Durham, NC.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Arminta Foushee - On her grandfather's taxi business (clip),” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 31, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/arminta-foushee-on-her-grandfathers-taxi-business-clip.

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Ms. Esphur Foster

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