Chelsea Alston - On her experiences as a youth leader and changes in the community
This interview provides background of interviewee’s connection to Chapel Hill. She shares her experiences as a youth leader in the community. She describes the changes of the community over time (gentrification). Her ideas of safe places for young POCs in Chapel Hill are provided. She talks about…
Chelsea Alston - On her experiences as a youth leader and changes in the community
Heather Giuffre and Others - On their experiences as white UNC students living in Northside
“Well, I feel like it’s a big issue of whether or not businesses should have a social component in their mission. And I think that ideally, it’s best for business to have that element. And so, I feel like it’s responsible for businesses to take community input into consideration.”
- Paige
In this…
Heather Giuffre and Others - On their experiences as white UNC students living in Northside
Jacob James and his taxi company, Tar Heel Taxi No. 1
Photos courtesy of Arminta Foushee
Jacob James and his taxi company, Tar Heel Taxi No. 1
Sharon Livingston
"If you ask for help, you get it here."
- Sharon Livingston
Sharon is originally from New York and moved from Oklahoma to Chapel Hill, NC for medical training. At the time of the interview, she had been in Chapel Hill for three years. Her first impressions of Chapel Hill were positive given the…
Sharon Livingston