Brentton Harrison - On his time at the Jackson Center
“It doesn’t feel like work, it feels like a calling, a mission, or a purpose."
- Brentton Harrison
Mr. Harrison is bidding farewell to the Jackson Center after 10 years of service to join the Hargreeves Community Center. With the whole staff bidding him farewell and asking questions, it leads to…
Brentton Harrison - On his time at the Jackson Center
Deloris Bynum - On school integration, church, and work
In this interview Deloris Bynum recounts being in the 8th grade when black students were integrated into Chapel Hill High School. Bynum says that she loved to teach children. She worked as a Nurse’s Aide in Assisted Living homes and loved older people. Bynum was an usher for the St. Joseph’s CME…
Deloris Bynum - On school integration, church, and work
Frances Hargraves - On childhood, family, education, and teaching
"I remember my mother always told me, 'Whatever job you must do, be sure you give it your best.' She said if it’s sweeping the floor, washing dishes, anything, do it your best. And as I grew, that was her philosophy - always give it your best. And I still carry that philosophy."
- Frances…
Frances Hargraves - On childhood, family, education, and teaching
Heather Giuffre and Others - On their experiences as white UNC students living in Northside
“Well, I feel like it’s a big issue of whether or not businesses should have a social component in their mission. And I think that ideally, it’s best for business to have that element. And so, I feel like it’s responsible for businesses to take community input into consideration.”
Heather Giuffre and Others - On their experiences as white UNC students living in Northside
Walter Durham - On school integration, his childhood, and race
“[Lincoln] was a school that you could go in and… no paper on the school campus. Hallway shines like new money all the time. You could drink out of the commode in the bathroom. And it was kept just that clean.”
- Walter Durham
Walter Durham discusses growing up as part of a large family on his…
Walter Durham - On school integration, his childhood, and race