Dennis Farrington
"They took a lot of the trophies and got rid of them--that Lincoln had. Threw them away.
- Dennis Farrington
Dennis Farrington - On his family, education, and work experiences
Dennis Farrington spent the first part of his life in the Northside area of Chapel Hill before moving to a home off of NC Hwy 54, and he has deep roots in Chatham County, North Carolina. He attended Chapel Hill High School after it was newly integrated. He spent most of his working career at UNC Printing Services. This interview was done as part of the Facing Our Neighbors initiative of the Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History. Topics include: maternal and paternal grandparents; life on Gomains St. in the 1950s; segregation in the South; family genealogy; roots in Chatham County; working life of African Americans in Chapel Hill/Carrboro; UNC and its campus; education and his favorite teachers—Northside School, Frank Porter Graham, Phillips, Lincoln High, and Chapel Hill High; racism in Carrboro; romantic relationships; interracial dating; black students “occupying” Chapel Hill High School; Jeff Thomas and current situation in Chapel Hill schools; First Baptist and St. Joseph CME; his father and his experience in World War II; his mother and her work; current state of politics.