Brenda Jackson
"That’s our heritage, darling. That’s our roots. When we didn’t have anything else. . . We could sing. We could hum. We could hum a tune in our hearts and then just be uplifted that way.
- Brenda Jackson
Brenda Jackson - On family, church, and community
History of family at St. Joseph; Mr. Henry Baldwin donating to church; changes in church; fast pace nature of new generation; church’s role in community and individual’s role in church; meaning and power of singing and why singing is such a big part of St. Joseph; feeling of gratitude among congregation at St. Joseph; youth in the Northside community going down wrong path in life due to upbringing and circumstance; how to get youth involved in the church and the community; Reverend Harrison and Mitch at St. Joseph; reflections on mother and Ms. Jackson’s motivations for going to church; going to school for coding medical terminology; feeling associated with being interviewed.