Amanda Ashley

Amanda Ashley grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her mother was a home economics teacher, and so she grew up with a strong understanding of nutrition. In the summers, they would sometimes visit her grandmother who had a farm in Georgia, where they enjoyed fresh pecans, corn, and scuppernong grapes. She loves to cook and has shared many a meal with Heavenly Groceries Food Ministry.

Amanda Ashley - On food during her childhood and learning to cook

Amanda Ashley - On food during her childhood and learning to cook

Amanda Ashley describes her experiences with food in her childhood as the interviewer introduces the Food Ministry. Amanda shares how her mother’s occupation as a nutrition teacher influenced her food intake. Food in her household was less processed. Amanda describes her learning experiences in cooking as a being based in a “modern perspective.” She also shares the meals she enjoys making with food from Heavenly Groceries, such as French Onion Soup.
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Ms. Esphur Foster

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