Oral History

Robert Revels - On influential people in his life

Interviewed by Jamie Persons and Rob Stephens on October 31, 2008

Throughout this interview, Mr. Revels discusses the most influential people in his life as being the Danziggers, his mother and father, and his grandmother. He touches on a lot of lessons he’s learned from each of these individuals throughout the interview, such as the importance of work and respect. Though he did not go to college, he explains the opportunities he’s had for travel as being some of his best education, and he refers to his life as running parallel to the life of Abraham in the Old Testament. He calls his life “The Abraham Experience,” and explains how he always knows that the Lord is there for him, despite all his sins.

Robert Revels - On influential people in his life

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Oral history interview of Revels, Robert conducted by Persons, Jamie on October 31, 2008 at Chapel Hill, NC. Processed by Lewis, Chip.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Robert Revels - On influential people in his life,” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 1, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/robert-revels-3.

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