Oral History

Delaine Ingram and Antonio Vinson - On their businesses, gentrification, and changes in Chapel Hill

Interviewed by Sarah Smith and Lydia Merrick on March 30, 2010

The first interview features Antonio Vinson as a narrator, and lasts about 19 minutes. A chef by trade, Antonio Vinson left Chapel Hill for 25 years before recently returning. Upon returning, he became a taxi dispatcher for Tar Heel Taxi, despite his lack of experience. Throughout the interview, Vinson explains how Tar Heel Taxi operates, and how Chapel Hill has changed since he left. Vinson frequently answers calls for Tar Heel Taxi, demonstrating his everyday work. The second interview features Delaine Ingram as narrator, and lasts about nine minutes. Delaine Ingram owns Delaine's House of Beauty, a local salon located in Chapel Hill. Ingram's interview focuses more on gentrification and change within the neighborhood than the operating of the business. Ingram advocates for Chapel Hill to use grant money so that those who have lived in Chapel Hill their whole lives can survive the influx of rich newcomers.

Delaine Ingram and Antonio Vinson - On their businesses, gentrification, and changes in Chapel Hill

Oral history interview of Ingram, Delaine conducted by Smith, Sarah on March 30, 2010 at Tar Heel Taxi, Chapel Hill, NC. Processed by Covington, Clayton.

Citation: Marian Cheek Jackson Center, “Delaine Ingram and Antonio Vinson - On their businesses, gentrification, and changes in Chapel Hill,” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 1, 2025, https://fromtherockwall.org/oral-histories/delaine-ingram-and-antonio-vinson.

"We’re writing our own history, thank you!"

Ms. Esphur Foster

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