
Merritt's Store

"The geographic boundary was pretty much the neighborhood. I think one time a friend and I left the neighborhood and we ended up at Merritt's store to get some candy. And we went past Merritt's store and we ended up on the next street. There turned out to be some lady up there who knew us, and she drove us home. It was a small enough town in that way. She knew we weren't supposed to be up there and she said, 'I'm going to take you boys home.'"

-Robert Smith

Merritt's Store may refer to E.G. Merritt Grocery & Esso Service Station at 109 Pittsboro Road, but there are references to a drug store (E. Samply Merritt's Drug Store at 118-120 E. Main) and a hot dog and soda shop (J.C. "Bulleye" Merritt's soda shop and hot dog stand at 106 E. Main St.) with the name Merritt, both on Main Street in Carrboro.

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Citation: “Merritt's Store,” From the Rock Wall, accessed March 4, 2025,

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